left For you go well with ketchup....: Non-Reproducable Experiments

Monday, October 22, 2007

Non-Reproducable Experiments

@ So it turns out that 6 out of 8 young children will accept a cookie from a complete stranger. This suggests a deplorable lack of proper training of the next generation. I must say that I am quite appalled.

@ For those of you who, like Sabius, are getting upset with me at the above statement, yes, the experiment was conducted with a number of different types of cookie to ensure that it was not biased. This may have led to an increase in the number of children who accepted, since they were asked to take whichever type of cookie they like, but it is felt that the results are still valid.

@ For those of you who are getting even more upset, neither time nor money was wasted on getting many different kinds of cookie. This experiment was conducted in the grocery store, so the cookies were all readily available. And since the packages never left the store, no money was wasted. In fact, it is doubtful that even the leftover cookies were wasted, as the packages were returned to the proper shelves, and were most likely bought by the next customer who wished a half package of cookies. All around, very little was wasted.

@ In a related study, grocery store employees get unaccountably upset when you offer them a cookie. More research should be done into this phenomenon.

@ In other news, it has been determined that the streetlight (see previous posts) is not able to sense my approach, nor anyone else's. It simply cycles through a steady "on-off" sequence, with the "on" part being longer. A pedestrian walking beneath the light stands a much greater chance of encountering it when it is in an 'on' stage. The 'on' stage lasts approximately the amount of time it takes for a pedestrian to get from "almost beneath the light" to "just past the light", which means that it invariably goes out when the pedestrian feels that they were "right under the light". This causes the famous "creepy" feeling.@


** None of the above experiments (with the exception of the streetlight) has actually been preformed, at least to my knowledge. If you do know of someone doing this, please let me know. In other news, I am not going to Venezuela next week, so there won't be any interruption to this blog.


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