% Well, as promised in a previous post, I now have a microwave. So far it has managed to last more than 24 hours undamaged. This is assuming that my landlord/housemate has managed not to break it in the time that I've been away. Please continue to cheer on the little microwave as it endeavors to survive in such a perilous environment.
% In other news, the streetlight that I discussed in this post was acting strangely again on Thursday. This time, instead of going out as I walked under it, it turned on, then brightened. It may seem odd to record the goings-on of a light bulb, but I have precedent to back me up:
World's Longest Lasting Light Bulb (Centennial Light) <- Click on the picture to see the webcam
World's Longest Lasting Lab Experiment (Pitch Drop Experiment) <- Link near the bottom allows you to see it live, though you'll have to have Windows Media Player to view it
% At least I'm not linking to a webcam of my streetlight. Mostly because I do not happen to own a webcam, but also because I think people would object to me running a cord that long down the street. Oh, and someone might steal the webcam. That's also a good reason.
% Buried right here, near the bottom, is a notice that Theophilus has started another blog, which will likely be updated on a close to yearly basis. The link to it will be added here, once I know what that link is. %
EDIT: Theophilus' project can be found at http://creedproject.blogspot.com/.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
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Watching Grass Grow in a High Voltage Environment |
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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Yarrr! |
% Ahoy! T'day be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and if ye don't know what that means, I suggest ye go visit the UK Headquarters at www.yarr.org.uk. It be fun for the whole family / dorm / class / workplace / construction site / asylum / coven / brother/sisterhood / hive. Aye, I know that the list there ain't very piratey, but ye haveta make allowances for the landlubbers.
% As I was walking home tonight, the street light right above me went out. While rare, it is not so impossible as to be worrisome, though it is always creepy to have the light right above you go out for no apparent reason. Still, no cause for alarm, really.
% Except that the exact same thing happened last night, at the same street light. And it isn't that the street light broke once and hadn't been fixed - it actually went out, while I was under it, two time in a row.
% If I don't post tomorrow, you might want to send a search party after me, preferably armed for battle against ghoulies and ghosties of various sorts and descriptions.
% Or you could assume that I'm being my normal self, and that another post will occur in several months at the latest.
% Yarr, that be it for tonight. Avast, me hearties!%
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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To My Ashke |
When we started, three years seemed like a long time. Maybe not forever, but it was definitely in the "unforeseeable future" category.
Now three years have passed. There have been some rough times, and it hasn't passed "like no time at all", but it has also been wonderful and a joy to spend this time with you. I feel privileged to know you, and honoured that you enjoy spending time with me.
Though we spend so much time apart, it is wonderful to know that we are there for each other, if only in spirit.
For making my life a joy to live, I thank you.
May we be laughing together this time next year.
Your Tinkerer
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Careful what you wish for |
@My landlord/housemate wants me to get her a microwave. Specifically, a nice red microwave that can be found for $50 at Walmart (we will ignore for a second that I am boycotting Walmart) which will go really well with the decor in the house.
Unwise Microwave Oven Experiments
I think I agree with her. I'll pick one up next weekend.@