% Ahoy! T'day be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and if ye don't know what that means, I suggest ye go visit the UK Headquarters at www.yarr.org.uk. It be fun for the whole family / dorm / class / workplace / construction site / asylum / coven / brother/sisterhood / hive. Aye, I know that the list there ain't very piratey, but ye haveta make allowances for the landlubbers.
% As I was walking home tonight, the street light right above me went out. While rare, it is not so impossible as to be worrisome, though it is always creepy to have the light right above you go out for no apparent reason. Still, no cause for alarm, really.
% Except that the exact same thing happened last night, at the same street light. And it isn't that the street light broke once and hadn't been fixed - it actually went out, while I was under it, two time in a row.
% If I don't post tomorrow, you might want to send a search party after me, preferably armed for battle against ghoulies and ghosties of various sorts and descriptions.
% Or you could assume that I'm being my normal self, and that another post will occur in several months at the latest.
% Yarr, that be it for tonight. Avast, me hearties!%
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Posted by
9/19/2007 09:53:00 p.m.
Labels: Light Bulb Stories, The Logbook of Sabius
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